TxDOT Has a New Executive Director

Lt. Gen. Joe Weber, USMC, (Ret), the new executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation.
The Texas Department of Transportation has a new Chief Executive Officer, Lieutenant General Joe Weber, USMC Retired. On April 4, 2014, the Texas Transportation Commission met in a Special Called Meeting at which time General Weber was appointed as the new TxDOT Executive Director. A Texas A & M graduate, General Weber retired from the Marine Corps in 2008, at which time he became Vice President of Student Affairs at Texas A & M. In that role, he was responsible for the strategic planning, direction, and development of fiscal and human resources, and how they impact the overall experience of nearly 57,000 students at the university.
Previously, General Weber spent 36 years in the United States Marine Corps, serving in Iraq as Chief of Staff of the Multinational Forces, his final duty assignment as Commander of U.S Marine Forces Command, responsible for some 70,000 marines and sailors.
General Weber will provide the leadership much needed as we face the transportation challenges of a rapidly growing state.