Airport Name | Grant Amount | Project Description |
Lancaster Regional Airport | $421,690 | Design and construction services to install self serve fuel farm |
Dallas Executive Airport | $9,380,329 | Reconstruct Runway 13-31 from North Runway 17-35 intersection to Runway 31 end; reconstruct 17-35 at intersection 13-31 and reconstruct Runway 13-31 shoulders; reconstruct taxiway A1 and A5; realign taxiway for replacement A3; reconstruct portions taxiway A and D; demo taxiway A2; runway shoulder compression joint sealant; install new electrical components for replacement medium intensity runway lights; and install LED lights |
Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport | $600,000 | Reimbursement for construction services to expand and repair main entrance parking lot; construct auto parking; construct fuel loop roadway; and construct new entrance road |
Burnet Municipal Airport – Kate Craddock Field | $8,522,910 | Repair, overlay and mark Runway 1-19; expand apron; reconstruct and relocate taxiway and connecting stubs; relocate fuel farm and reconfigure terminal area; relocate road Runway 19 runway protection zone; replace medium intensity runway lights, replace electrical vault; relocate utilities; relocate wind cone and segmented circle and supplemental; and install and remove fencing |
Castroville Municipal Airport | $2,808,920 | Extend and mark Runway 15 end; extend and mark parallel taxiway to Runway 15 end; reconstruct South apron; construct permanent run-up area; hangar apron pavement to new 8 unit T-hangar; extend medium intensity runway lights Runway 15 end; relocate precision approach path indicators Runway 15 end; relocate County Road 4711; install fencing and gate with new boundary; and install signage |
Fort Worth Meacham International Airport | $1,525,140 | Demolish terminal area taxi lane pavement; construct and mark terminal area taxi lane; and relocate utilities terminal area taxi lane |
Texas State Technical College -Waco Airport | $2,387,890 | Reconstruct taxiway H to Runway 17R; reconstruct northern portion of taxiway A between taxiway B and H; rehabilitate and mark taxiway B |
Port Isabel- Cameron County | $949,500 | Joint seal, crack seal, slurry seal and mark Runway 17-35; mark chevron stub taxiway; seal PCC joints and mark terminal apron; install electric vault building with enviro additions; replace rotating beacon and tower; install emergency generators; install new tie downs on terminal building apron; and install hold signs |
McKinney National Airport | $6,320,930 | Reconstruct and expand terminal apron and relocate auto parking |
Majors Fields | $1,674,155 | Reconstruction of eastern taxiway K |