The aviation industry and airports are a big part of Texas. There are nearly 300 airports across the state and more than 27,000 general aviation aircraft registered in Texas. With such a massive number of airports, a statewide organization is needed to represent the interests of the airports to local municipalities, the state and at the federal level. The Texas Airport Council (TAC) helps to fill that role for Texas.
“Texas Airports face a lot of challenges,” notes TAC Vice President and Fort Worth Meacham Airport Manager Jeff Kloska. “Among them are funding problems in regards to needed AIP improvement grants and issues with the airport’s sponsor, airport and airplane noise, lack of sponsor support, legislative issues, outdated or non-existent airport documents, and economic development.”
TAC allows airport industry experts to meet and help one another on issues and build a collective knowledge to better Texas airports as a whole. TAC seeks to work with all communities to maximize the economic contribution of their airports and to ensure through legislative activities that adequate funding is in place to continue to maintain and improve Texas airports. TAC is also partnering with TxDOT Aviation on a lot of exciting things going forward in an effort to ensure Texas has the country’s best state aviation system.
“The Texas Airports Council (TAC) is dedicated to promoting all airports in the State of Texas,” says TAC President Lenny Llerena and Director of Aviation at Victoria Airport. “We also help promote and educate about the economic benefits of airports in local communities within the State of Texas. TAC represents member airports in matters that may affect their operations, economic benefits or standing in the community. We also help with legislative efforts to ensure the operational and economic stability of airports in Texas.”
TAC depends on its sponsors and members in order to be successful. It needs to continue to grow and gain Texas airport members in the form of sponsor staff, airport staff, engineering and design consultants, and airport contractors within the state of Texas. If you would like to join, visit their website at