Cleburne Regional Airport Manager Garrett Watson (center) accepts the Project of the Year Award in the National Regional Airport Category by Chairman of the Texas Aviation Advisory Committee Dr. Shelly deZevallos (right) and AVN Division Director Dan Harmon (left).
On time and under budget. Words that every airport manager wants to hear.
Cleburne Regional Airport was behind the eight ball early on with their project due to the COVID shutdown and funding availability that necessitated an escalated timeline. But behind every successful project is a dedicated and motivated team, and this team worked hard to ensure the project was successful.
After conducting extensive analysis on the runway and taxiways, the project team found that the pavements exhibited significant widespread longitudinal and transverse linear cracking, minor surface raveling, and evidence of pavement pumping with areas of pavement failure and alligator cracking along aircraft wheel paths.
The team also observed transverse grades on the runway that were less than FAA minimums and a safety concern related to direct access from an apron to the runway.
Scoping alternatives were evaluated, with consideration given to benefit and cost. Ultimately, rehabilitation of Runway 15- 33, the airport’s lone runway, included 5,700 feet of full-depth reclamation of the runway and a crack seal and emulsion treatment on the remaining runway surface.
This project also included full-depth reclamation of parallel Taxiway A and Taxiway D, infield grading, and installation of new medium-intensity taxiway edge lights. The original project scope anticipated relocation of Taxiway D to the north of the existing location; however, the consultant determined moving the taxiway would reduce exit capability for aircraft on Taxiway D.
One final aspect of this project that was unique was temporary use of the parallel taxiway as a runway. As a single runway airport, complete inability to serve local traffic was a concern during the Phase 1 closure for runway reconstruction. This was especially critical for accommodating pilot training.
The final contract amount of $5.12M was approximately 18% under the final projected budget and was a great example of “Building Community” through an inventive and relevant project that involved substantial collaboration amongst the City of Cleburne, TxDOT Aviation, the Engineer and the Contractor.